AP Physics (calculus)

Unit 6 (Rotation) 8e
Objectives, reading, homework and equations for the unit.
Rotation Problems I
I always started with a quick leccture on the rotational variables, and then basic questions.
Rotation Problems II
Then a quick lecture kconnecting the rotational variables to the linear variables, with problems.
Lab 10-1b (Torque)
An easy lab to get a conceptual feeling of torque. Then It will be officially defined.
Torque Problems
These are all static problems so the net torque is always zero.
Lab 10-2 (Newton)
A lab to find the reelationship between torque and acceleration.
Moments of Inertia
Some initial (non-calculus) questions on moment of inertia.
This just does out the integrals to determine the moments of inertia for a few shapes.
Kinetic Energy
Shows that the kinetic energy of an object is broken down into a translational part and a rotational part.
Lab 10-4 (I Challenge)
A mass hanging from a string wrapped around a bicycle wheel. I gave the Logger Pro data for the mass falling, and asked for the moment of inertia of the wheel. I gave the data because I did not have a class set of bicycle wheels.
Rolling Problems
Problems involving rolling.
Rolling without Slipping
Conceptual questions looking at the direction of friction when an object rolls. This can be pretty tricky actually.
Lab 11-3 (Angular Momentum)
Simple lab involving a rotational collision.
Angular Momentum Problems
Lab 11-4 (Ballistic Pendulum)
This uses ballistic pendulums that go with the rotaty motion sensors.
Right Hand Rules
Just some pictures to help remember the right hand rules.
Rotation Problems Examples
These are 4 reasonably involved questions. No rolling or angular momentum, but lots of torques, energy and moments of inertia.
Acceleration Down Hill
I wrote this after it showed up on an AP exam, which I think is a little ridiculous.
Lab 11-x (Rolling Down Hill)
I like this, but it is a little long as written. It looks at diferent shapes rolling down an incline.
Rotation Problems III

Here are the practice tests and the separate equation sheet.

Test 8 Equations
Test 8 v1
Test 8 v2
Test 8 v3
Test 8 v4

Here are some reasonable handwritten notes.

Notes - Rotational Variables
Notes - Torque
Notes - Vector Multiplication
Notes - K & I
Notes - N2L, Energy and PAT

Physics (algebra)

We didn't do anything with rotational mechanics in this class.

page last updated 6/21/23 by david mcclung, copyright 2023, all rights reserved.