retired physics
curriculum quizzes resources misc

Welcome to my physics website! I taught physics at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School for over 30 years, (1992 to 2023.) I first started this website back when a 56k modem was considered fast (and I only had a 28.8k modem.) I figured I would keep the website up in the event that someone finds something useful. I always taught the calculus AP level physics, and for the last half of my teaching career I also taught the "non-trigonometry" level of physics, so things on this website are geared for those classes.

Unless otherwise noted, material on this site was developed by us, with a lot of good ideas coming out of "The Physics Teacher", and Paul Hewitt's "Conceptual Physics." Obviously, our students can use anything on this site. Any one else can use things here, also, as long as it is only for personal or class use. The earth and moon images came from NASA's web site.

I also have a separate site, historical astronomy, which is reference material and notes for a unit I used to do in my AP classes. I did it only in my AP classes because no one else taught AP physics for the first half of my career. When Mr. Bradford started teaching AP as well, I somehow managed to convince him that it was a good idea to keep doing.

page last updated 6/21/23 by david mcclung, copyright 2023. All rights reserved.