AP Physics (calculus)

Objectives, reading, homework and equations for the unit.
Lab 13-1 (Universal Gravitation)
Introduction to gravity through Keplers Third Law and Newton's Laws of Motion
Log-Log Graphs
Shows how to find the power relationship between two variables with a log-log graph.
Gravity Problems 1
Problems based on universal gravitation.
Lab 13-2 (Mass of Jupiter)
Finding the mass of Jupiter from the orbital data of the moons of Jupiter.
Gravity Problems 2
These problems involve work, potential and kinetic energy.
Energy and Gravity
Notes deriving potential energy, escape velocity and orbital energy.
Energy Elliptical Orbits
Derives the total energy equation for an elliptical orbit.
To Kepler from Newton
Derivations of Kepler's Laws from Newton's Laws. The first three pages are easy - after that is optional and needs advanced math.
Orbital Data
Reference sheet of orbital data for the solar system.

Here are some FYI handouts.

Gravity of a Sphere
Uses calculus to show a uniform sphere can be treated as if all the mass was at its center when using Newton's gravitational law.
Two Body Problem
Did this years ago and have never handed it out, or even talked about it. Just shows how to reduce two masses orbiting each other into a simpler central force problem.
Polar Coordinates
Shows position, velocity and acceleration in polar coordinates. Needed to derive elliptical orbits from universal gravitation.
Conic Sections
Derives equation of conic sections in polar coordinates. Needed to derive elliptical orbits.
Some simpler circular orbit problems not involving energy.

Here are the practice tests.

Test 10 v1
Test 10 v2
Test 10 v3

Physics (algebra)

Coming Soon.

page last updated 6/21/23 by david mcclung, copyright 2023, all rights reserved.