AP Physics (calculus)

Objectives, reading, homework and equations for the unit.
Simple Harmonic Motion
Basic notes, includes the derivations of the basic formulas for the unit.
Oscillation Problems I
These just involve the basic equations of simple harminic motion - no springs or pendulums yet.
Lab 15-1 (Springs)
A lab combining Hooke's Law and the relationship between mass and peiod for a spring.
Oscillation Problems II
Problems based on springs.
Lab 15-2 (Simple Pendulum) new
A lab investigating a simple pendulum.
Oscillation Problems III
Problems with pendulums.
Multiple Springs
This is really for the AP (i.e. it might help on a multiple choice question). Derives the equivalent spring constant for multiple springs.
Pre-Lab to 15-3
Try and make some predictions before actually doing the lab.
Lab 15-3b 22 (SHM Energy)
Looks at how energy is conserved in simple harmonic motion and involves a variety of different graphs.
Vertical Springs & Energy
Notes showing how the energy of a vertical oscillating mass is taken from equilibrium.
Lab 15-4 (Physical Pendulum)
Looking at how the period of an oscillating meter stick depends on the rotation axis.
Damped Harmonic Motion
Derives the equations for damped harmonic motion. I often save this for AP review.
Kater's Pendulum
Made this years ago because I found it interesting and I doubt I have ever mentioned it in class.

Here are the practice tests.

Oscillation Formulas
This is the formula sheet for the tests.
Test 9 v1
Test 9 v2
Test 9 v3

Physics (algebra)

We didn't do anything with oscillations in this level of physics.

page last updated 6/21/23 by david mcclung, copyright 2023, all rights reserved.