AP Physics (calculus)

This unit starts with 2-3 periods of mostly demos looking Newton's 1st Law, and then mass verses weight. If I get motivated, I will write up the demos, but I won't be shocked if this comment is still in 5 years.

Objectives, reading, homework and equations for the unit.
Free Body Diagrams
Basic free body diagrams.
Lab 5-1 (N2L)
An introductory lab to drive Newton's Second Law. It does take more than 1 period.
Force Problems 1
Really basic F=ma probleems. No free body diagrams. No vectors. No systems.
Force Problems - Vectors
Problems without free body diagrams. These are just vector applications of F=ma.
Mass & Weight Problems
Difference between mass and weight. It's simple, but I do think it is worth the time as this little idea can cause students problems if they don't internalize itt.
Lab 5-2 (Senior Slide)
The kids need to determine the force of friction between their socks and the floor while they are sliding to a stop. I don't give any directions on this one.
Handwritten notes on dealing with inclined planes with parallel and perpendicular components.
N2L Guide
Handwritten notes on how to do Newton's Second Law problems.
Force Problems 2
Still no vectors, but does have some elevator problems, which can be confusing for the kids.
Hills & Ramps
Some simple problems involving hills. It has been decades since I handed this out, but it is good practice if you are squishy with parallel and perpendicular components of gravity.
FB Diagrams 2
Free body diagrams involving systems.
Force Problems 3
Finally, some more involved N2L problems, but no circles or mu.

Practice tests on the first half.

Test 4 v1
Test 4 v2
Test 4 v3

Here is the second half, dealing with circular motion, coefficient of friction and drag forces.

Lab 6-1 Coefficient of Friction
A lab to determine the relationship between the normal force and friction force on a block of wood.
Force Problems - Mu
Several problems involving the coefficent of friction. This is a long worksheet.
Lab 6-3 Centripetal Force
A lab using flying pigs. One of the best labs. :-)
Force Problems - Circles
Problems dealing with circular motion.
Force Problems 4
Good problems with circles and coefficient of friction.
Lab 6-3 Air Resistance
A classic coffee filter investigation of air reistance.

Practice tests on the second half.

Test 5 v1
Test 5 v2
Test 5 v3

Physics (algebra)

We broke this unit into two major sections. We did Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws first, then we did Newton's 3rd Law as part of the momentum unit, which came right after. We also started with a bunch of demos. We did some of the same labs as the other levels of physics, but I will only include the labs we only did at this level here.

Lab 4-1 Weight & Mass
As simple as this is, I think it really helps the students differntiate between mass and weight.
Notes - Newton's First Law
Some handwritten notes on Newton's First Law, including the difference between mass and weight. I am not sure how helpful it is all on its own.
Mass & Weight Concepts
The answers for the first two questions were already in notes, and I didn't want to write it out again.
Mass & Weight Problems
Simple problems.
Notes - Force Diagrams
Handwritten notes on free body diagrams.
Newton's 1st FBD
Some practice drawing free body diagrams, but all these are constant velocity situations, so the forces all have to balance. Right after this, I asked "what happens if the forces don't balance?" and we started the second law.
Lab 5-2 (Newton's 2nd Law)
We usually did a simpler version of the lab given up in the AP section, but it always seemed to take a long time, and it didn't seem to really help the students in the unit. So we tried this lab. I only did it once (my last year I only taught AP) but I think it was more effective.
Notes - Newton's Second Law
Handwritten notes as an introduction to Newton's Second Law. I used this in class, hiding all the answers at first.
Net Force Concept Sheet
Using free body diagrams to find neet force and acceleration.
Force Problems I
This is not the same as the AP version above.
Force Problems II
Also, not the same as the AP version above.
Force Problems III
Also different from AP version above. This also has a couple vertical situations.
Newton 2 Law Review
Review sheet.

page last updated 10/6/23 by david mcclung, copyright 2023, all rights reserved.