Here is a map showing most of the ancient Greek places mentioned: Greek Map
Here is a map showing most of the European places mentioned: Europe Map
Here are some other outside sites that are good references for the things discussed in class.
Maps of Ancient Greece This site has some nice maps of Ancient Greece, but the focus is on the time of Plato. This also has some nice maps, with a lot more of the history of the ancient Greeks.
Celestial Sphere Nice description, with a lot of good diagrams, showing most of the observational things we talked about. The University of Nebraska at Lincoln developed a huge set of simulations and labs on basic astronomical concepts. These are excellent.
Planetary Models He does a nice job summarizing the Greek models and comparing Ptolemy and Copernicus. He has some very nice images and diagrams to help make sense of the some of the more abstract ideas.
Biographies Good overview of Greek astronomy - and links to biographies of everyone mentioned in class. Lots of details - much more than we went into. (Most of the pictures of the people in this site came from this site.)
Galileo Huge site devoted to Galileo. This was started by the translator of Sidereus Nuncius that we read in class.
Kepler's Laws More detail on the three laws.